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Snowpiercer ≈Vumoo≈



Cast=Jamie Bell; Drama, Action; Tomatometers=7,3 / 10; The nations release the substance CW-7 with the intention of controlling global warning, but accidentally it results in another Ice Age destroying Earth. The only survivors live in the train Snowpiercer which is driven by a perpetual motion engine created by the millionaire Wilford (Ed Harris) that lives in the engine part. In 2031, after seventeen years, there is a fight of classes inside the train since the oppressed lower class lives in dreadful conditions in the last wagons of the train while the elite lives in the front wagons. The lower class is fed with protein bars only; they are oppressed and punished by Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton) and her brutal guards; and their children are taken every now and then when they reach a certain height. The leaders Gilliam (Sir John Hurt), Curtis Everett (Chris Evans), and Edgar (Jamie Bell) are plotting a scheme to reach the engine and talk to Wilford about their conditions using the addicted security engineer Namgoong Minsoo (Song Kang-ho) and his clairvoyant daughter Yona (Ko Asung) that are imprisoned to open the locked doors. When the son of Tanya (Octavia Spencer), Tim (Marcanthonee Reis), is captured by Mason, they decide to execute their plan. There are many casualties and soon Curtis discovers that they have been manipulated by Wilford to balance the resources in the train, and why the magnate keeps the lower class alive; Bong Joon Ho;

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VOB can contain digital video, digital audio, subtitles, DVD menus and navigation contents multiplexed together into a stream form. Free Online snowpiercer. If you view in 720p hd as everything is fine — looking x/f and enjoy. Watch free online snowpiercer. What can I say, I liked it.
Don"t try to apply any logic to the scenario of the last of humanity surviving the apocalypse riding on a train - expenditure of energy and resources that would be better used in a bunker scenario - that will just hurt your brain and ruin the movie.
Take it as a given and then enjoy it.
Also ignore logic with regards to the ending. Sadly its a "Hollywood ending" intended for the movie to end on an up beat.
If you are in the 1% you should see this as what inevitably happens when the elite allow the peasant class to suffer beyond reason. If you aren"t you can treasure the payback, eh!
All in all if you check logical analysis at the door before, during and after the movie and, instead, just sit back and enjoy the ride you"ll find this is an extremely entertaining waste of 2 hours.

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Snowpiercer free online movie. Be patient and enjoy. Snowpiercer full free online. Snowpiercer movie online free. Watch free movies online snowpiercer. Snowpiercer free online full movie. I only just saw Snowpiercer, and I want to share a few thoughts which is part a review of this movie a part a commentary on the questions this movie raised for me.
If you didn"t know that this movie was produced and directed by South Korean film industry, you would never have known this was a South Korean movie. Why? The movie is in English, the lead actors are all Caucasian, others are a mix. The story of the movie is based on a European, French novel. There are two supporting South Korean characters, so I guess that is a bit of a clue that it is a South Korean product - but otherwise you would not know unless you were told. This does spring up an interesting debate, does a film industry have to produce ethnically indigenous movies or can they produce movies in other languages with foreign actors? Second question is to what extent are foreign movie industries under the imperial influence of Hollywood/Western culture that they forgo their own culture and make movies to appeal to Western culture?
The question above I will leave to ferment in the readers mind. In my my own mind I think it is a bit artificial. I would much rather see great South Korean movies based on their own culture and their own actors 3-Iron, Oldboy, Memoirs of Murder, than what I perceive to be a movie that is calculated to tap the Western market. At 40 million budget this is the most expensive South Korean movie made so far, but it does not entirely look it. What they did get right was the dystopic atmospheric lighting inside the train, which reminds you of Terry Gilliam(Brazil, Twelve Monkeys) and the production design of the interior train set is just right, with some really bizarre and wacky sets but brilliant lit, such as the indoor aquarium and the engine room. The problem area is the VFX, and of course we are going to compare it to Hollywood when it is consciously trying to imitate Hollywood, and in comparison the VFX work comes across as a cheaper imitation of Polar Express. The CG shots of the train, especially the aerial shots, make the train look like a toy train. However, by Asian standards the effects work is notable, and there at least some impressive vista shots of the frozen city outside of the train which are occasionally inter-cut into the slow moving drama. The vast majority of the movie is shot indoors in the train in movie sets. While, we know they are moving on a fast moving train, we never really feel the feeling of speed. This is because most of the movie is just wasted in loads of dialogue.
The weakest point of the movie is the screenplay. The main plot of the movie is the underclass at the back of the train rising in revolution against the elite class at the front of the train, and as they make their way down from train to train they learn new things and encounter harder and harder challenges. Yet, we never really feel the struggle, because they barely have to struggle against any of the challenges, they just bulldoze their way through. They pass the first stage by simply overpowering the seemingly armed soldiers, by realising that they don"t have any bullets because bullets went extinct. the next stage they encounter soldiers armed with axes and night vision goggles, and despite the fact that they are out- armed and surprised, many of them still survive, when really they should all be massacred. The next stage they face an even greater challenge, soldiers armed with machine guns, so now not only do they have bullets, they have enough bullets for several machine guns. But like before our heroic crusaders erstwhile unarmed bulldoze through them, but with the numbers dwindling down at every stage.
There are some really bizarre characters in the movie as well, that make no sense. There is a ninja, who does not utter a word, but somersaults into a scene at the right moment to defeat a baddie. There is a terminator baddie who despite getting stabbed and shot several times, and is able to come back to life and continue his murderous killing spree; there is a clairvoyant 16 years South Korean girl who knows what"s behind each gate. Chris Evans as the hero is not believable as the revolutionary leader and his long monologues bore rather than inspire.
As the film reaches its climax with the unexpected twist you wonder what the struggle was all about in the end, as our lead hero ends up crashing the train and killing everybody on board, including himself. Yet, despite the train having been thrown of its track into the mountains below, the weird 16 year old clairvoyant girl and a 5 year black boy survive unscathed and the final scene is them walking out into the snow in fur coats, and apparently it was cold enough outside to turn one man"s arm into ice at the beginning of the movie. But at this point you don"t really care about this gaping plot hole, after having walked through so many, as the ending credits start to roll.
In conclusion this movie is trying to imitate Gilliam and to a large extent it succeeds in imitating his visual style, but it does not even come near imitating his greatness. Snowpiercer is too calculated to work with somebody like me, I can see right through it.

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